Covid-19 Update

Protecting our patients and dental team members is a priority. We have implemented several strategies to help mitigate the risk of COVID-19 spread. The following is a list of new protocols that we are using:
  • All staff are fully vaccinated
  • Patient screenings and touchless thermometer temperature checks. We perform these same checks on ourselves each morning. If someone feels ill, with cold or flu like symptoms we ask that dental appointments be rescheduled to another time when they are well.
  • Social distancing as much as possible in reception area and treatment rooms. Our newly remodeled clinical area provides for better isolation and spacing.
  • Hand sanitizer and masks provided for patients, visitors
  • Increased PPE including use of N95 masks and face shields by staff
  • Pre-procedural mouth rinse with 1.5% hydrogen peroxide is recommended to help reduce germs in aerosols prior to dental procedures
  • Increased use of high volume suction devices devices to reduce aerosol production. Two new devices called Pure Vac and Dry Shield have been introduced for both hygiene and restorative dental procedures.
  • Air purifiers (Oransi EJ120) with medical grade HEPA filters (MERV 17) in every operatory and the reception area
  • Central HVAC system provides a fresh air supply to each individual suite in our building and the return air gets vented outside. We also have placed fans in strategic spots to push air outside as much as possible.
  • Plexiglass barriers at the front counter
  • Increased cleaning and disinfecting of surfaces in the reception area and front desk
  • Treatment room cleaning and instrument sterilization that follows CDC guidelines
  • Fogging of the the entire office suite with eco-friendly HOCl solution.

We respect patient concerns for those who feel unsure or maybe are not ready to venture out, yet. We are here for you when you feel comfortable. However, we feel that these measures are significant steps in reducing risk and keeping a safe environment. We continue to review literature and stay current on the latest guidelines for dental offices from the CDC and Oregon Health Authority.

David E. De Ainza, DDS

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